Chapter 4: Erasmus and the Apocalypse
In chapter four, White begins his discussion of specific passages in the KJV. The first passage he presents comes from the conclusion of the Book of Revelation. His discussion of this passage is broken up over a span of twelve pages, so I’ll copy the relevant statements here before proceeding. Beginning on page 55, White writes,
This is the third installment in my series responding to James White's book The King James Only Controversy. In this article, I respond to several of White's claims regarding Codex Sinaiticus, one of the main Greek manuscripts used for the modern translations.
As I mentioned in Part 1 of this series, I am writing a detailed response to James White's book The King James Only Controversy. I am defending the position that "the KJV is a faithful translation of the preserved text of God's inspired and inerrant Word." This article picks up my response to White in the second half of Chapter 2 of White's book.
Over the past several years, I’ve seen a significant increase in the number of people that I know personally who have referenced James White’s book The King James Only Controversy in defense of their decision to abandon the use of the KJV in favor of various modern translations. White’s book is often presented by these individuals as a scholarly and irrefutable answer to the KJV Only position. I picked up a copy of White’s book several years back hoping to interact with a scholarly treatment of the topic, but I was sorely disappointed. I found White’s work to be childish and his arguments fallacious. I set the book aside with no plans to ever pick it up again, but with its current increase in popularity, I decided to read through it again and force myself to write a response.
Bill Fortenberry is a Christian philosopher and historian in Birmingham, AL. Bill's work has been cited in several legal journals, and he has appeared as a guest on shows including The Dr. Gina Show, The Michael Hart Show, and Real Science Radio.
Contact Us if you would like to schedule Bill to speak to your church, group, or club. "Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be yet wiser: teach a just man, and he will increase in learning." (Proverbs 9:9)
November 2024