Bill Fortenberry is known for his ground-breaking research in several fields of study.
As a historian, Bill is known for his study of original documents from the American Revolution. His book Franklin on Faith is the world’s only chronological collection of Benjamin Franklin’s writings on religion, including Franklin’s 1735 profession of his faith in Christ.
As a legal researcher, Bill drafted the argument behind the famous Baby Roe case in Alabama which is the only case in U.S. history to win recognition of an aborted child’s right to sue the clinic that had killed him. Bill also helped start and lead the Personhood Alliance, and he has assisted in drafting pro-life legislation in several states.
In the field of medicine, Bill's tenacious research efforts led to the discovery of more than 500 cases of documented live births from ectopic pregnancies.
Bill’s favorite area of study is theology. He has preached and taught Sunday schools for 30 years, and he has written multiple study guides including Unsung Heroes and Obscure Villains of the Bible, Using the Law Lawfully: A Guide to Applying the Old Testament for Gentile Believers, and Forgotten Battles of the Bible.
Bill speaks on practical Bible application with a focus on the little, overlooked details that make the Bible come alive. He also speaks on the Christian foundations of America’s legal system and the need for a complete abolition of abortion.
How to have a Happily Ever After in Your Marriage
Biblical Manhood
Many Infallible Proofs
Why You Should Study The Bible
Religious Freedom as a Baptist Doctrine
A Few Little Things About Christmas
The Prophecies of Christmas