_Truth and Politics
Bill Fortenberry

___The primaries are here, and the entire nation is watching in amazement as conservative candidates win nomination after nomination. The conservative movement is gaining ground, and there is real hope that they might be able to win back the legislature. But then what? What will the conservatives do if they are able to reclaim power in this country? It is highly likely that they will oppose the socialist policies of the White House, and it is certain that they will seek a repeal of the recent health care legislation, but will that be all that they do? Will this new conservative uprising simply oppose the liberals, or will they take true initiative and restore our nation’s foundation on the absolute truths of God?
When I speak of absolute truth, I am referring to those concepts which are true in every conceivable situation: concepts which are inherent to the universe itself and not merely a development of the human intellect. These truths are very abundant, so much so that it would take several days just to name them all. There is, however, one absolute truth from which the existence of all the others can be derived. It is a truth so basic and commonplace that not even the most hardened of agnostics would deny it. That truth is that
1 + 1 = 2.
This simple little equation illustrates what is known as the law of addition. This single, undeniable law is the foundation upon which all mathematical laws are established. For example, the law of subtraction is that 2 + (-1) = 1. As you can see this law is just a variation of the first. Likewise, the laws of multiplication are also just variants of the original law of addition for 1 x 2 = 2 is merely a simple way of saying that two 1's added together will equal 2. From Geometry to Trigonometry, from Algebra to Calculus, the laws from every division of mathematics are all derived from this one, absolute truth.
But the truth of 1 + 1 = 2 applies to much more than just mathematics. It is also the cornerstone of every law of science. For example, Newton's second law of motion, F = ma, is dependent upon the laws of multiplication, and the laws of multiplication are derived directly from the original law of addition. Therefore, Newton's second law of motion would not have any validity at all if it were not absolutely true that 1 + 1 = 2.
Even the very existence of life is dependent on this truth. All living creatures consist of molecular compounds which are subject to the law of multiple proportions. That law, in turn, is dependent upon the laws of multiplication which, once again, are dependent upon the law of addition. If 1 + 1 did not always equal 2, then life itself would not be possible. In fact, the entire universe would then consist of nothing more than a homogenous mixture of bare elements.
The concept that 1 + 1 = 2 is undeniably true and just as undeniably absolute. It is true in every conceivable situation, and its truth is an integral component of the universe itself. Thus it is the absolute truth of 1 + 1 = 2 that allows us to conclude that the universe must have been created as a whole.
As I just explained, the laws of science are all based on the law of addition. The application of these laws of science has taught us that our universe is in a state of constant expansion. This means that our universe was smaller in the past than it is today. Using the laws of mathematics, scientists have also been able to extrapolate that the natural development of our universe would have required at least 15 billion years of this expansion, and they have determined that the expansion of the universe from a single point in space is the only viable explanation for the natural development of the cosmos (see Hawking’s “A Brief History of Time” or Gamow’s “The Great Expansion”).
There is one small problem, however. The expansion of the entire universe from a single point in space would require the ejection of a large amount of matter through the event horizon of a universal black hole. This, of course, is a physical impossibility. No amount of energy is capable of sending an object out of a black hole. Therefore, the universe could not have expanded to its current size from a size dense enough to generate a universal black hole. Why not? Because such an accomplishment would be a violation of those laws of science and mathematics which are founded on the absolute truth of 1 + 1 = 2.
To overcome this problem, evolutionary scientists have turned away from the principle of absolute truth. All the laws of mathematics and science stand in stark opposition to the natural development of the universe, but since that natural development is absolutely essential to the theory of evolution, many evolutionists have come to accept that the laws are simply wrong. In order to promulgate their theories, they must reject the concept of absolute truth; so that is what they have done. There are a great many evolutionists who will very proudly boast that the undeniable fact of evolution proves the complete absence of absolutes within our universe.
Now, as hilarious as it may be that evolutionists try to use their sole absolute to prove that there are no absolutes, you are probably wondering what all of this has to do with politics. The answer: everything. Consider for a moment several very important questions.
What do the liberals believe about the Constitution: do they believe that it is an absolute authority over the country as it claims to be? No, they teach and affirm that the Constitution should be constantly reinterpreted to fit the prevailing philosophies of the day. Why do they teach this? Because they believe that all laws are the mere product of man’s evolving intellect and that all laws are subject to change. And why do they believe this way? Because in order to teach evolution, their teachers had to also teach them that there are no absolute truths. Without a foundation of absolute truth, the Constitution becomes irrelevant and liberals of the likes of Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama feel free to abandon it without regret.
These same questions could be asked of the founding fathers of this nation. What did they believe about the Constitution? They taught that it was the “supreme law of the land” to which all future laws must conform. Why did they teach this? Because they believed in the existence of divine laws which were never subject to change (“all men… are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights”). Why did they believe this? Because they recognized that the God who created the universe had also instilled into that universe certain absolute truths (“We hold these truths to be self-evident”). It was this foundation of absolute truth that generated the formation of our nation and its laws, and without it, we are pre-destined to failure.
If we are ever to restore our nation to its former greatness, it is imperative that we first restore the foundation upon which that greatness rested. We are on the verge of a great conservative victory in the upcoming elections, but that victory will be utterly useless if we do not use it to restore the absolute truth of God’s Law to its rightful place as the cornerstone of our nation’s proceedings. “Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD,” (Psalm 33:12) but “if the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?” (Psalm 11:3)
When I speak of absolute truth, I am referring to those concepts which are true in every conceivable situation: concepts which are inherent to the universe itself and not merely a development of the human intellect. These truths are very abundant, so much so that it would take several days just to name them all. There is, however, one absolute truth from which the existence of all the others can be derived. It is a truth so basic and commonplace that not even the most hardened of agnostics would deny it. That truth is that
1 + 1 = 2.
This simple little equation illustrates what is known as the law of addition. This single, undeniable law is the foundation upon which all mathematical laws are established. For example, the law of subtraction is that 2 + (-1) = 1. As you can see this law is just a variation of the first. Likewise, the laws of multiplication are also just variants of the original law of addition for 1 x 2 = 2 is merely a simple way of saying that two 1's added together will equal 2. From Geometry to Trigonometry, from Algebra to Calculus, the laws from every division of mathematics are all derived from this one, absolute truth.
But the truth of 1 + 1 = 2 applies to much more than just mathematics. It is also the cornerstone of every law of science. For example, Newton's second law of motion, F = ma, is dependent upon the laws of multiplication, and the laws of multiplication are derived directly from the original law of addition. Therefore, Newton's second law of motion would not have any validity at all if it were not absolutely true that 1 + 1 = 2.
Even the very existence of life is dependent on this truth. All living creatures consist of molecular compounds which are subject to the law of multiple proportions. That law, in turn, is dependent upon the laws of multiplication which, once again, are dependent upon the law of addition. If 1 + 1 did not always equal 2, then life itself would not be possible. In fact, the entire universe would then consist of nothing more than a homogenous mixture of bare elements.
The concept that 1 + 1 = 2 is undeniably true and just as undeniably absolute. It is true in every conceivable situation, and its truth is an integral component of the universe itself. Thus it is the absolute truth of 1 + 1 = 2 that allows us to conclude that the universe must have been created as a whole.
As I just explained, the laws of science are all based on the law of addition. The application of these laws of science has taught us that our universe is in a state of constant expansion. This means that our universe was smaller in the past than it is today. Using the laws of mathematics, scientists have also been able to extrapolate that the natural development of our universe would have required at least 15 billion years of this expansion, and they have determined that the expansion of the universe from a single point in space is the only viable explanation for the natural development of the cosmos (see Hawking’s “A Brief History of Time” or Gamow’s “The Great Expansion”).
There is one small problem, however. The expansion of the entire universe from a single point in space would require the ejection of a large amount of matter through the event horizon of a universal black hole. This, of course, is a physical impossibility. No amount of energy is capable of sending an object out of a black hole. Therefore, the universe could not have expanded to its current size from a size dense enough to generate a universal black hole. Why not? Because such an accomplishment would be a violation of those laws of science and mathematics which are founded on the absolute truth of 1 + 1 = 2.
To overcome this problem, evolutionary scientists have turned away from the principle of absolute truth. All the laws of mathematics and science stand in stark opposition to the natural development of the universe, but since that natural development is absolutely essential to the theory of evolution, many evolutionists have come to accept that the laws are simply wrong. In order to promulgate their theories, they must reject the concept of absolute truth; so that is what they have done. There are a great many evolutionists who will very proudly boast that the undeniable fact of evolution proves the complete absence of absolutes within our universe.
Now, as hilarious as it may be that evolutionists try to use their sole absolute to prove that there are no absolutes, you are probably wondering what all of this has to do with politics. The answer: everything. Consider for a moment several very important questions.
What do the liberals believe about the Constitution: do they believe that it is an absolute authority over the country as it claims to be? No, they teach and affirm that the Constitution should be constantly reinterpreted to fit the prevailing philosophies of the day. Why do they teach this? Because they believe that all laws are the mere product of man’s evolving intellect and that all laws are subject to change. And why do they believe this way? Because in order to teach evolution, their teachers had to also teach them that there are no absolute truths. Without a foundation of absolute truth, the Constitution becomes irrelevant and liberals of the likes of Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama feel free to abandon it without regret.
These same questions could be asked of the founding fathers of this nation. What did they believe about the Constitution? They taught that it was the “supreme law of the land” to which all future laws must conform. Why did they teach this? Because they believed in the existence of divine laws which were never subject to change (“all men… are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights”). Why did they believe this? Because they recognized that the God who created the universe had also instilled into that universe certain absolute truths (“We hold these truths to be self-evident”). It was this foundation of absolute truth that generated the formation of our nation and its laws, and without it, we are pre-destined to failure.
If we are ever to restore our nation to its former greatness, it is imperative that we first restore the foundation upon which that greatness rested. We are on the verge of a great conservative victory in the upcoming elections, but that victory will be utterly useless if we do not use it to restore the absolute truth of God’s Law to its rightful place as the cornerstone of our nation’s proceedings. “Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD,” (Psalm 33:12) but “if the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?” (Psalm 11:3)